Practice Driving With Your Teenager To Curtail These Dangerous Driving Habits

8 September 2016
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog

When your teenager goes through driving school, he or she will learn how to drive in a safe manner—but it's up to the teen to implement these strategies behind the wheel. Given that this young driver is your family member and likely driving your vehicle and listed under your insurance policy, you should take a vested interest in making sure that he or she drives safely. A good strategy is to spend some time driving together. You don't need to nitpick each thing the teen does as he or she gets comfortable behind the wheel, but you should draw the teen's attention to these potentially dangerous habits.

Passing Dangerously

Many new drivers can have difficulty knowing exactly how much space they have to pass another motorist safely. Passing someone without adequate room can be highly dangerous, given the risk of a head-on collision with an approaching driver. When you're riding with your teen, don't be afraid to talk about what he or she thinks is a safe passing distance, and then share your own experiences on the topic. You can also reinforce a message that is being taught in the driving school — it's better to avoid passing if there's any doubt about the ability to do so safely.

Listening To Music Too Loudly

If you join your teenager for a drive and the music comes on the radio at a high volume once he or she turns the key, it's a clear sign that the teen is setting the radio too high. This can be dangerous for multiple reasons; when the music is high, it's easy to get distracted by the song and not notice things on the road. Additionally, if your teen is unable to hear outside the vehicle, he or she may not hear an emergency vehicle, another motorist crossing, or any other sort of sound that could signify a hazard.

Talking Too Much

Ideally, your teen will know not to use a cellphone while driving, but you may notice that he or she is talking too much when you're traveling together. You need to send the message that excess talking can take the teen's attention away from what's happening on the road around the vehicle, which could result in a diminished ability to react to another vehicle stopping suddenly, a motorist driving in a dangerous manner or even a traffic light changing colors. Try to suggest that conversations be kept to a minimum when behind the wheel.
